Thursday, January 7, 2010

Chapters 1-6

I feel as the Mr. and Mrs. Bennet are good parents to their 5 daughters. It is made very obvious how greatly this couple cares about the girls lives and futures. Although Mr. Bennet does display some favoritism, he is balanced out through the equality shown by his wife as she notes that "Lizzy is not a bit better than the others." (pg 2) Mrs. Bennet consistently attempts to "consider (their) daughters. Only think what an establishment it would be for one of them." (pg 2)

1 comment:

  1. To me, yes maybe Mr.Bennet may be a good parent, but I can't say if Mrs.Bennet is thinking more of her daughters' future, or if she just wants to be known for at a higher social status. Mr.Bennet may play favorites with his daughters, but he is at least being more real than having Mrs.Bennet "wishing" a good future for her daughters only wanting to honestly be remembered for the grandmother of Jane and Mr.Bingly's children. It seems to me, that Mrs.Bennet is just trying to fulfill her own past wishes through her daughters.
