Thursday, January 7, 2010

Pride & Prejudice Ch. 1-6

"But it is very likely that he may fall in love with one of them, and therefore you must visit him as soon as he comes." (Pg. 2) I find it funny that Mrs. Bennett and the characters in general expect to fall in love when it's clear that they aren't looking for a loving marriage, but a wealthy one. Obviously marriage isn't about love, the only thing that matters to Mrs. Bennett is money. Her and her husband definitely aren't in love... It reminds me of times when Kings and Queens had prearranged marriages. They're all about convenience and social standings, not about spending your life with someone you care about.


  1. I completely agree. I would hate to have a prearranged marriage, but apparently it wasn't that bug of a deal to anyone back in those days. That's sad.

  2. It really is strange that that was Mrs. Bennet's hope. I do believe that she hoped her daughters would fall in love, just not as much as for a rich husband. Also, who would make an assumption like that, they don't even know the guy, but he could fall in love with one of her duaghters. Strange on that point as well.
