Thursday, January 7, 2010


-There is a specific quote is chapter 5 that i do not agree with. Mary states, "Vanity and pride are different things, though the words are often used synonymously. A person may be proud without being vain."
I think that if one has pride, one is vain because when someone is prideful they set themselves above others...and is that not being vain?? Also, the definition of vanity is "excessive *pride* in ones appearence, qualities, abilities, acheivements etc......." Although i agree that both pride and vanity are seperate things i think that there can't be one without the other ( in most cases)
-Also i noted that this whole book seems to be gossip =) something that most people today can relate to (espacially girls).

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you cinthia the whole book so far does seem to be centered around gossip. I think that girls can relate to it but personaly I don't like the way it is written because all it is is gossip. what do you think?
