Friday, January 8, 2010

Chapters 7-10

I think that Mrs. Bennet has un unhealthy obsession with getting her daughters married. The fact that she sends Jane on a horse in order to force her to stay the night is despicable. I think that she is one of the reasons that her children arem't married. She puts their marrige ahead of their safety. "She had no wish of her recovering immediately, as her restoration to health would probably remove her from Netherfield." She doesn't care what happens, as long as Jane might have a shot at marrying.

1 comment:

  1. Brittany Rathsburg
    Chapters 7-10

    I agree completely with Christian here. I understand that the family needs at least one of the daugters to marry a wealthy man because they will not inherit any money when the girls father passes, but the Mrs. Bennet has taken it to a complete new extreme. "Jane was therefore obliged to go on horseback, and her mother attended her to the door with many cheerful prognostics of a bad day. Her hopes were answered; Jane had not been gone long before it rained hard. Her sisters were uneasy for her, but her mother was delighted." (page 25)
